

Why hello .

Sorry for the long time of no updating but I have been busy with work & sleepy when I get home. I don't really have much to say since I have been working & Michael has been spending more awake time with Logan than I have - I mostly see him when he's asleep cause I'm holding him. Hmmm, Michael's family birthday party was on Saturday & i had to work =[ And apparently Logan had tons of fun - which sucks cause I missed it but oh well I'm trying to get every other Sunday off so I can actually spend some real time with him & Michael together, i wish we got more family time.

Sunday I worked of course. Michael & Logan hung around the apartment & aunt Susie and one of her dogs Charlie came to visit. Dumple and Charlie always have a good time so I'm happy Dumple got some other dog time. After I got off work we to Kenji ( a Hibachi & Sushi Bar ) with my friend Jenny. I LOVE hibachi its like my favorite thing ever. We normally go to a smaller place but we decided to try Kenji since Jenny had a coupon & well I think it will be our new place when we can afford the 20-25 dollars a plate. Why were there the owner ( the cutest little old Japanese lady) came up to use and started asking us about Logan & asking us about how we found the them. Well we got to talking to her & found out that they opened on December 5th 2008, so the lady renamed Logan Kenji the first lol. &&&&&&&&& we got free fried ice cream & it was yummy.

Now its today & I remember why i like my job because in 5 hours of me working I made 123 dollars for myself. I think it will be a good week maybe I can make over 450 this week! Now for pictures!!!

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Okay its way past my bedtime.

1 comment:

Mulledafter said...

Logan was so good at the party. I got to hold and feed him. Thank you for having such a wonderful baby, and I wish you could have come. No one was sure exactly when the party was anyhow. And, how nice of Susie to lie to me. She said she couldn't come and see the kids sing because she had been "neglecting" Larry. I wish people didn't hate me and my kids so much.