

again all @ my moms house. I like these you can see what a happy baby he is.
I took this a few days ago.

Work has been really slow so Ive been really bored. So bored in fact i took Dumple & Ebony into work today so I could groom them. Ebony got a haircut because I haven't been brushing her like i should & she was kind of matted & well i didn't want to spend the time combing her out. Not to mention since I'm the only one with a poodle we all take turns giving her haircuts & i decided to give her a Mohawk & shave the rest of her. Now that I did it I feel sort of bad because its so cold outside but then again she never goes outside so its not that bad. I think she looks sort of like Mr. T. Dumple got just a bath & his nails clipped because I want him to grow out long again while its cold & i figure i will have to shave him again in the summer =[.
Ebonyzer. isn't her Mohawk so cute.
That's Amber shes shaving her ears since I hate doing that.
Dumple after a long hard day of getting pampered & fed treats.
Life is so hard for them.

Actually I'm pretty sure he's so sleepy because he got his allergy shot today too. I hate that my poor little Dumple is so allergic to like everything. I think we might have to change his food soon again. I swear he cant stay on anything to long or he starts reacting to it. My vet mentioned something about a kangaroo meat food but its like 85 dollar & we could only get it online so that's not gonna happen. He will have to be happy with lamb & rice or salmon & rice. Jeez it would be nice to have a dog that could eat cheap dog food. Heck, it would be nice if he could eat Science Diet buuuuuut no. I'm also looking into a raw diet for him.

Theres a picture of Michael all dressed up. To bad you cant really see what he's wearing just his big coat. You can see Logan's cool car seat cover though so its a winning picture if you ask me. My mom kept Logan for a night & we went to Fridays & grocery shopping. We bought like 40 dollars worth of veggies. lol I'm on a real veggie kick its crazy! I need to start birthday shopping for Michael because his birthday is soon ( Valentines day). Usually Ive got at least one present for him by now, but Ive been slacking so oh well.

So Ive been rereading the Twilight series books, well I'm halfway through the first one again ( i like to read it to Logan) & I keep thinking about the movie & how much I didn't like it. I mean like with Harry Potter I LOVED the movies until I read the books & with Twilight I love the books & the movie left something to be desired I think. I just hate who they have playing Edward! I also need to get some new books to read!

1 comment:

Mulledafter said...

I will bring those books over soon. If you ever have a day off during the week and would like for me to drive you somewhere (like the library:D) I'll do it. Just let me know. And you and Michael can borrow any of my books you want. Damn, I always write too much...