
Opps Ive been slacking

1. Logan last night. We went shopping with my mom after I got off of work.
2. Logan before his doctors appointment yesterday.
3. A cat got loose in banfield(the vet in petsmart) on Thursday & us groomers came to watch them get it.
4. That's the kitty who got loose after they caught her.
5. Dumple this morning.

So now that I'm back I work i have much less time to do anything, which i knew would happen but I'm still getting use to. I'm enjoying being back at work so much. I forgot how much i really did love my job while i was pregnant since i was so miserable. The only thing is we are really slow so I'm doing like 2-3 dogs a day so that leaves a lot of standing around time. I cant wait till we get busier. Its also nice to be able to go lunch with Michael sometimes. I do miss Logan a lot though but I control myself & don't call my mom but like 2 times the whole day. The only thing I hate it working so early i really miss closing every day but oh well I cant do that now. I do close tonight though so I'm pretty excited.

Logan went to the doctor yesterday. I didn't get to go because I had to work but he got a shot so its probably a good thing I didn't go because that would have made me sad. He now weighs 9lbs & 15oz - no wonder the newborn diapers were a little to small( its a good thing i used the last one on Wednesday). So hes a little short but the doctor said its nothing to worry about since both me & Michael are short. He does have thrush but apparently that's as common as a cold so its nothing to worry about , but he got his first prescription & medicine. Other than that he's a healthy little boy who only cried when he got his shot.

We have to work on getting his days & nights on track. But he slept from 1am-4:45 woke up & ate then went back to sleep till 7am ate & went back to sleep till 10:30. Hes now awake and having tummy time. Michael is off all weekend so he gets to spend some real alone with Logan. I'm jealous its nice outside they can go to the park or something fun while I have to be at work. Oh well I have 2 request dogs that I missed bunches so I'll have fun too!

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