
Entry 001

1. Playtime.
2. Dumple likes to cuddle with Logan.
3. Watching the doggies play.
4. More playtime.
5. Looking at Dumple.
6. Dumple laying on me.
7. Ebony. [ she really needs a haircut]
8. Dumple rolling on me.

We spent a lot of time laying in bed today. Logan was sleepy and slept most of the morning till at least 12:30pm. Then he spent time playing & looking at the dogs. Then was more sleepy time for Logan & he slept a good 4 hours.

I'm ant believe that I'm going to work so soon. I was all excited & not I'm a little nervous about leaving Logan all day with other kids. I trust my mom its those daycare kids i worry about, i know they are good but they want to touch Logan & i don't like that. I don't want germ infested kids touching my little wolverine! He's laying beside me right now looking at the couch. I don't
see how he can be so content with looking at nothing, but I suppose he just likes the color.

I need to really clean the apartment sometime this weekend and figure out what we will need to take to daycare everyday & put it in the days of the week organizer. I also need to find all my work supplies & clothes. So much to do! You think i would have gotten these things done already but I tend to spend my day holding Logan, playing with Logan, or generally just looking at him.

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