

That would be what Logan & me do everyday - play with photo booth. I ♥ my MacBook!!!!!!I will be so happy when we don't have to write down every time Logan eats or has a dirty diaper - its pretty annoying. I think I'm going to have to reschedule his appointment on Friday for next week but I'm not completely sure yet. He will so much more fun when he doesn't sleep 16 + hours a day. I don't have much to update about really since he doesn't do much - sorry.

We are going to look at a house for rent some day this week. We both really want it badly. Its not really a house house its more like a mini house in someones back yard. But we know the lady who is moving out & she says they are great people. We have been there once & it was cute not very big but we don't need a lot of room at the moment & i really think it would be better then living here, but i don't know we will go see it & then talk about it.

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